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Physical Therapy



Insurance Verification

Texting and Reminders

Online Patient Forms

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Texting and Reminders

Online Scheduling

Electronic Benefit Verification

Online Patient Forms


Keeping Up with the Joneses

Writer: PatientStudioPatientStudio

What do New Patients Expect

What are Your Competitors Doing for Patient Registration?

Dentistry and medicine have become very competitive businesses. What makes a patient choose a particular practice over another? It might be the insurance they accept; it might be a referral from a friend or another doctor; it might be from social media announcements and testimonials; or it might be from professional marketing by that practice.

Technology and the Internet have redefined how we practice medicine and dentistry and how we communicate with and market to patients. It has been reported that 80% of patients with Internet access would like to communicate by e-mail with their health professionals.

In today’s economy, time is so precious. Patients don’t like coming in early to fill out forms; they don’t appreciate waiting way past their appointed time to be seen.

Patients are looking for modern and efficient practitioners who will provide better care; patients want to feel secure and comfortable; patients want the practice management to respect their time and for the doctor to take his/her time with them.

Having PDF forms on your website is old technology – it’s like shooting yourself in the foot – it slows down the process of collecting information; you receive forms with illegible handwriting; our research has shown that at least 25% of your patients forget to bring the completed form with them; and it’s hard to keep track of which patients have outstanding forms. To understand this in more detail, click here for the white paper, “Online Forms vs. Forms Online.”

Good news travels fast – start using actual online patient forms for new and old patients. Having electronic forms is a real practice builder and powerful marketing tool – patients will view your practice as hi-tech. From the use of the form’s technology will come the perception that the rest of your practice is also hi-tech; that you are up to date with techniques, equipment and products.

So don’t just keep up with other practitioners – lead the way and reap the rewards of happy patients referring other patients.

PatientStudio online forms is a process of sending a welcome letter to the patient with a link to your forms; tracking to whom you sent the forms; tracking the patient’s progress; and automatically reminding the patient by email or texting, if the form is not timely submitted.

PatientStudio has BIG advantages for your practice – receive printed, legible information; validate patient’s insurance and red-flag medical problems before the patient arrives; drastically reduces first appointment no-shows; eliminates scanning; patient’s signature electronically captured; HIPAA compliant.

Save time for everyone – patients, staff and doctors – by using PatientStudio’s online, digital and secure forms.

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