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Online Patient Forms


How to Increase Referrals from GP’s

Writer: PatientStudioPatientStudio


In an earlier blog we talked about the PatientStudio specialist online referral form. The front office GP staff person brings up the online referral form on their computer screen, types in the appropriate information, uploads from the patient chart any necessary x-rays and/or clinical photos into the form and clicks on “Submit.”

For specialists, PatientStudio offers much more than an online referral form. It includes a program to market to referring docs and potential referring docs. The increase in new patient referrals comes from a 2-prong approach – a simple and efficient online specialist referral form and the addition of many more docs sending patients to your practice because of the PatientStudio referral marketing program.

Many GP’s have more than one specialist in any category to whom they refer. As an example, a general dentist may refer patients to 3 different oral & maxillofacial surgeons. For every 10 patients referred by the GP, maybe the breakdown is 4,3 and 3 to OMS’ A, B and C. Or maybe the referral breakdown is actually 7, 2 and 1 – probably occurs more often because of the “out of sight, out of mind” concept.

PatientStudio keeps the specialist “in sight” with customized emails. Each month, with one click, you can send individual emails to everyone in your data base reminding them to refer patients and inviting them to study club meetings, lectures and/or social events. You can also market to specific groups such as “potential referring docs,” “study club members” and/or “new dentists.” You can keep track of your referring docs in your PatientStudio referral database to be sure that you thank them appropriately.


Sent to current referring docs:

“Dear Bob,

We have a secure, convenient and time saving process for you to refer patients to our office. Thanks for the continued confidence you have shown in us with your past patient referrals. We would like you to complete our online “PATIENT REFERRAL FORM”


Oceanside OMS

Please click on the following secure link to submit your information:

Sent to potential referring docs:

“Dear Dr. Thompson,

I am an OMS who has been practicing in Oceanside for 5 years and offer many services to general practitioners, including in-office sedation and general anesthesia and extensive expertise in various implant systems. I also have hospital privileges at XYZ community hospital. I would like the opportunity to speak with you about developing a mutually beneficial relationship for us and our patients. You can contact me at or call 516-555-1212 to discuss the possibilities. Below is a link to an online referral form for secure and easy patient referrals. Thanks for thinking about the unlimited possibilities. I hope to hear from you soon.


Oceanside OMS

Please click on the following secure link to submit your information:

Sent to entire doctor database:

Dear “Docs name,’

This is a reminder that the Long Island Dental Study Club will meet on March 15, 2014 at 6 PM at

the Steak House Restaurant. After dinner we will have a guest speaker, John Doe, who will discuss

electronic forms for high tech practices.


Oceanside OMS

Please click on the following secure link to submit your information:

Sent to entire doctor database:

“Dear ‘Docs name,’

Happy Holidays! We would like to invite you and your staff to a holiday party at our office on Wednesday, December 15, 2014 at 6 PM.

Please RSVP to Joan at 516-555-1212 with the number of attendees before December 7th. Hope to see you there.


Oceanside OMS

Please click on the following secure link to submit your information:

PatientStudio offers the specialist online referral marketing as a standalone service and/or the Referral Marketing is included with PatientStudio’s online forms service at no extra cost.

To learn the secrets of developing a database of potential referring docs and for a discussion of online referrals in more detail, click here for a complimentary white paper.

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